Muscles can hold tension for all kinds of reasons: modern life pace and speed, sports training, injuries, bad posture, sitting behind your desk for hours, stress, problems etc – the impact is felt and held in our muscles creating problems of tension and pain.
Untreated this tension can lead to longer term problems both physically and in our mental wellbeing.
What Is Raynor Massage?Raynor Massage is a system of bodywork developed by Australian trained Naturopath Brandon Raynor. It covers the muscles of the body, the skeletal system and the subtle body energy systems of the body called meridian lines.
Our living bodies are composed of matter and energy. This energy of life is called "Ki" in Japanese or Chi. "Ki" circulates in the body throughout invisible channels called meridians. Through meridians this vital energy communicates with and flows through us nourishing every nerve, every muscle, every blood vessel, the bones, glands and organs; it flows through the entire body and beyond.
"...Raynor massage has the goal of finding every tight muscle in the body and loosening it and uses massage and natural healing techniques from across the world to achieve that goal."
This technique focuses on the whole body including meridian lines and breathing. Therapist identifies and treats the areas where the tension lies and the flow of energy is distorted by using thumbs, palms, sometimes elbows. Recognizing that the body is an interconnected system, where one part affects and influences the other, Raynor massage focuses on the whole body from head to toes and also on the areas often neglected by traditional massage therapists, such as the abdomen, the sacrum, the hips and the feet, hands and head. These areas tend to hold a lot of stagnation and blockage of the life force. The effects of a full body massage will last much longer than a partial massage, because the tension in the part of the body that wasn't massaged will work its way into the parts of the body that were massaged. Massaging the whole body stimulates the body’s natural healing powers. Stiff muscles loosen, circulation improves and tension dissipates.
Raynor technique might promote emotional release and healing as it recognizes the importance of the healing crisis. In fact, for some people good massage may be very uncomfortable if they aren’t used to it, but then as their healing crisis finishes, their body should feel a lot better, have more mobility and a general feeling of well-being.
After Your MassageRaynor Massage encourages detoxification in your body. We would recommend that you refrain from drinking alcohol, soft drinks, tea and coffee for at least 12 hours immediately after your treatment, or if possible for 24 hours immediately after your treatment. For best result, increase your water intake to aid the detoxification process during this period. Filtered cool water will be best.
You might feel sore after the treatment which is absolutely normal. Please, take a hot bath with Epsom Salt (1-1.5 cups) for 15-20 minutes. This should help detoxification and elimination process.
Keep yourself warm for a few hours immediately after your treatment.
Tingling feeling on any part of your body that was treated is normal. Tingling will dissipate on its own and is no cause for concern. This means that your chi (qi) - which can be interpreted as the "life energy" or "life force" - is flowing and a good sign that what was previously stagnant is now moving as it should be.