Sunday, December 20, 2009

Holiday Specials

Holiday Specials


30 Minute Swedish Massage

Reg. Price $ 50.00..…….…..…………Special $ 40.00

Hands & Feet Massage with Essential Oils

Reg. Price $ 60.00……..……….……..Special $ 50.00

Far Infrared Therapy ~ 30 minutes

Reg. Price $ 30.00…………...……….Special $ 25.00

Galvanic Spa Facial

Reg. Price $ 50.00………………….…Special $ 40.00

Himalayan Salt Lamps

Small – Reg. Price $ 35.00…....Special $ 30.00

Medium Reg. Price $ 45.00…....Special $ 40.00

Large – Reg. Price $ 55.00..…..Special $ 50.00

Holiday Specials expire on January 31st, 2010

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

We now offer The Lotus Mats

The Lotus Mat

The modern 'softer' version of 'THE BED OF NAILS'

The lotus mat is highly efficient tool for releasing tension and emotional blocks. Blockages and tension in the physical body can create problems in both body and mind. By releasing this 'inner tension' we can clear anything from depression to neck/back pain to poor digestion.

Some of the benefits our customers are experiencing include:

  • Reduced back, neck, hip and shoulder pain
  • Improved circulation
  • Increased energy levels
  • Improved sleep and oxygen uptake
  • Deeper relaxation
  • Higher level of endorphins (the 'feel good' hormones)

SOQI bed with the Chi Machine

The Far Infrared bed generates far infrared rays which the body feels as a gently penetrating heat. This heat is absorbed deep into the body, where it gently elevates the body’s temperature, stimulating blood circulation and accelerating the metabolic exchange between body and blood tissues to relieve pain and accelerate healing.

The Chi Machine utilizes motion energy. The way to keep healthy is to absorb the oxygen in the air efficiently. Mimicking the movements of a fish, the chi machine gently stimulates the spine and allows the body to oxygenate efficiently.

The combination of the Far Infrared bed and the chi machine balance together motion, thermal and musical energies. Inspired by energy healing and back-to-nature concepts, this multiple energy approach is your gateway to good health.

Monday, November 16, 2009

What is Oneness Blessing (Deeksha)?

As the winter approaches, we are planning to once again introduce Deeksha Oneness meditations every two weeks on Wednesday nights.  Pat Williams - Deeksha facilitator  - will be driving from Collingwood to conduct our meetings so it would be wonderful to know in advance a number of people who can attend this event.  

Please, read the following article about Deeksha and visit for more information, and also, do not hesitate to call us for more information at (905) 918 1816.

"Deeksha is a transfer of spiritual energy to the neocortex of the brain.  Deeksha initiates a neurobiological change in the brain that when complete enables the senses to be free from the constant interference of the mind.  When the senses are unclouded by the mind's interpretations, a natural clarity of perception occurs with accompanying spontaneous feelings of joy, inner calmness and a connection to the Oneness in everything.
Deeksha is transferred by the Deeksha giver normally placing his or her hands onto the crown of the head.  Experience during the deeksha vary, sometimes strong, sometimes subtle, sometimes delayed until even days later.  The recipient may experience a tingling sensation in the head, or blissful feeling running through the body, or sometimes nothing at all.  Whatever the experience, the recipient can trust that the process of enlightenment has begun, a process designed for your own nature that will lead gradually (or sometimes spontaneously) into Awakening.  
Deeksha does not belong to any religion, or any particular belief or spiritual path..."

The Power of Essential Oils

This week Chris Cameron will be doing a workshop on

The Power Of Therapeutic Essential Oils

on Wed. November 18th  at  7:00 pm   

Cost:  $ 10.00

Please check out our website                        
 for more information on how Essential
Oils can positively enhance health and well-being.

R.S.V.P.  to  Chris at 905-918-1816 or 


Monday, November 2, 2009

We are now live at

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Our Favourite Daily Quote from Abraham-Hicks

"Your action has nothing to do with your abundance! Your abundance is a response to your vibration. Of course, your belief is part of your vibration. So you believe that action is part of what brings your abundance, then you've got to unravel that."
- Abraham

Increase Energy, Reduce Cellulite and Drop Extra Pounds 10 Minutes at a time

Sounds too good to be true?

It is possible with the new ProEllixe Vibration

The system transmits a fast sequence of vibrations specifically designed to activate and stimulate the muscle walls of the body.
This allows direct stimulation of the muscles, without producing oxidative stress, which is the typical after effect of intense muscle activity or exercise.
Step out of the office for ten or twenty minutes and step onto the ProEllixe without having to change or rush into the shower afterwards!
Simply redeem your one week FREE trial (3 visits) at Living Free Wellness in Richmond Hill.

One Week Free Trial

If you think this is just another gimmick to lose inches and weight, let us show you it is not! Simply redeem your one week FREE trial (3 visits).

See the testimonials:
"After my first 3 sessions using the ProEllixe, I've had much more energy than ever before. I've fallen asleep much easier at night and I love the way my pants fit a little better. This machine is great! " - LJ

“I've lost a total of 7 1/2 inches, and Gerry has lost a total of 10 inches!! We couldn't be happier!!
I can feel such a difference in my stomach core muscles, that I'm so happy over - YEARS of ab crunches NEVER gave that to me no matter how hard I tried. THANKS so incredibly much - I could HUG you for giving us this chance to feel SO good!!!!!!!!!!!!” - VD

"I just started this program today, and it made me feel great! I had an increase in energy all day. I think it made my pants feel loose RIGHT AWAY! !" - CC

"When I use ProEllixe on a regular basis, I can see remarkable difference in my energy levels. I sleep better! And I can see visible reduction of cellulite" - LZ

Monday, October 5, 2009

October Promotion

Special Introductory Offer for Deep Tissue Massage:
Purchase 1 hour of massage for $80, and receive extra 30 minutes for $20 only.

Offer ends October 31st, 2009

Also, offering 1 hour of Swedish massage for $70
If you refer 3 friends, you get 1 hour of massage FOR FREE.
Please, call (905) 918 1816 to schedule your appointment. Same day bookings sometimes available, but preferable to schedule in advance.

Thank you!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Extremely Excited

We are supremely excited to announce that our website will be up and running on October 15th.  You can access it on
We have a lot more products and services we've introduced in the last month.  Also, brainstorming and playing with ideas to introduce movie nights and meditation mornings and nights as well as day camps for the kids.  

Monday, August 10, 2009


Muscles can hold tension for all kinds of reasons: modern life pace and speed, sports training, injuries, bad posture, sitting behind your desk for hours, stress, problems etc – the impact is felt and held in our muscles creating problems of tension and pain.
Untreated this tension can lead to longer term problems both physically and in our mental wellbeing.

What Is Raynor Massage?
Raynor Massage is a system of bodywork developed by Australian trained Naturopath Brandon Raynor. It covers the muscles of the body, the skeletal system and the subtle body energy systems of the body called meridian lines.
Our living bodies are composed of matter and energy. This energy of life is called "Ki" in Japanese or Chi. "Ki" circulates in the body throughout invisible channels called meridians. Through meridians this vital energy communicates with and flows through us nourishing every nerve, every muscle, every blood vessel, the bones, glands and organs; it flows through the entire body and beyond.

"...Raynor massage has the goal of finding every tight muscle in the body and loosening it and uses massage and natural healing techniques from across the world to achieve that goal."
This technique focuses on the whole body including meridian lines and breathing. Therapist identifies and treats the areas where the tension lies and the flow of energy is distorted by using thumbs, palms, sometimes elbows. Recognizing that the body is an interconnected system, where one part affects and influences the other, Raynor massage focuses on the whole body from head to toes and also on the areas often neglected by traditional massage therapists, such as the abdomen, the sacrum, the hips and the feet, hands and head. These areas tend to hold a lot of stagnation and blockage of the life force. The effects of a full body massage will last much longer than a partial massage, because the tension in the part of the body that wasn't massaged will work its way into the parts of the body that were massaged. Massaging the whole body stimulates the body’s natural healing powers. Stiff muscles loosen, circulation improves and tension dissipates.
Raynor technique might promote emotional release and healing as it recognizes the importance of the healing crisis. In fact, for some people good massage may be very uncomfortable if they aren’t used to it, but then as their healing crisis finishes, their body should feel a lot better, have more mobility and a general feeling of well-being.

After Your Massage
Raynor Massage encourages detoxification in your body. We would recommend that you refrain from drinking alcohol, soft drinks, tea and coffee for at least 12 hours immediately after your treatment, or if possible for 24 hours immediately after your treatment. For best result, increase your water intake to aid the detoxification process during this period. Filtered cool water will be best.
You might feel sore after the treatment which is absolutely normal. Please, take a hot bath with Epsom Salt (1-1.5 cups) for 15-20 minutes. This should help detoxification and elimination process.
Keep yourself warm for a few hours immediately after your treatment.
Tingling feeling on any part of your body that was treated is normal. Tingling will dissipate on its own and is no cause for concern. This means that your chi (qi) - which can be interpreted as the "life energy" or "life force" - is flowing and a good sign that what was previously stagnant is now moving as it should be.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Live Blood Analysis by Chris Cameron

Research indicates that 90% of society has nutritional deficiencies contributing to health problems.

Live blood cell analysis is a screening test for blood status using a specialized darkfield, phase contrast microscope. Using this microscope, we can evaluate the shapes and properties of individual blood cells. This helps to determine many nutritional deficiencies.

Live cell analysis is performed by taking a single drop of blood from a fingertip and examining it under the microscope.

With this form of testing, problems can be discovered in the early stages of development and preventive measures initiated.

Although diseases themselves cannot be actually seen, live blood analysis does show:
abnormal blood clotting
atherosclerotic plaque
bacteria, fungus, yeast
undigested fats & proteins
hormonal imbalances
liver stress
free radical damage
uric acid crystals
iron deficiency
Discover the vitality of your red blood cells, immune system, liver function and digestion by scheduling your appointment today with Chris. Please, call (905) 918 1816.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Source of Anti-Aging

What if you could STOP the source of aging in your skin?

Would you be interested?
Scientist at Purdue University
have found the source of internal aging.
We have the antidote.
in the prevention of aging skin!

Sat. July 18th, 2009
12:00pm - 3:00pm

Call Klaudija for more information and to register

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Reconnection and Important Events on July 9-10th, 2009

One of the most important nights to be at is Thursday evening with Doug De Vito
from 7:30 - 9:30pm about the New Frequencies.
Even if you are not taking the Reconnective Healing courses....this is valuable information!
Also at 5pm on the same day... Doug De Vito will be interviewed on CP 24 Television show
"Wylde About Health"
I will soon become a distributor of "The Living Matrix" DVD and will also be hosting a screening towatch the movie here at Living Free Wellness.
Will keep you posted on the date coming soon.
See you at the Reconnective Healing Seminars.....
"The Reconnection will be in Toronto on July 11 through 14.

This is a perfect opportunity for you to learn about these wonderful healing frequencies, introduce friends and family to the amazing work of Reconnective Healing, or perhaps take the seminars in order to deepen your understanding and immerse yourself in these always expanding frequencies.

Below is a description and schedule of events.

Thursday, July 9 at 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Exploring the New Frequencies of Healing Don’t miss this exciting event!

At this event you will not only have the opportunity to listen to Doug DeVito, a very gifted speaker, discuss at length the Reconnective Healing frequencies and what they can do to change your life, you will all also have the opportunity to experience and interact with these Reconnective Healing frequencies personally. During the presentation, Doug will also be sharing never before released research results regarding Reconnective Healing and its graceful healing effects on our lives.
Fee: $10 at the door
Location: Metropolitan Church
56 Queen Street East

Friday, July 10, 2009 from 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Toronto Premier of “The Living Matrix”
The Living Matrix brings you the breakthroughs that will transform your understanding of how to get well and stay well. Now you can get an up-close look at the science of information as medicine. With a proven case study featuring Reconnective Healing® and Dr Eric Pearl, leading researchers and health practitioners share their discoveries on the "miracle cures" traditional medicine can't explain.

One Night Only!To have a sneak peak of the movie go to:

Location: Marriott Toronto Bloor Yorkville, 90 Bloor Street East , TorontoClick here for hotel web siteCost: $17
Call The Reconnection and book your ticket: 1-888-374-2732
Space is limited so book your ticket NOW!!

Saturday, July 11 and Sunday, July 12
Reconnective Healing Seminar Level I/II

Finally! Back in Toronto !
Learn these new frequencies of healing with Doug DeVito and use them to heal yourself and others
For information:
Or email your local cosponsors, Rita: Elise:

Monday, July 12 and Tuesday, July 13
Semi Private Reconnection Level III

Take this great opportunity to expand your understanding of these frequencies and register for the semi private Level III of The Reconnection. In this event you will learn how to facilitate The Reconnection for others.
For information:
Or email your local cosponsors, Elise: Rita:

Saturday, July 11 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Reconnective Kids! Workshop

Reconnective Kids! engages children in a powerful and interactive play-workshop format designed to introduce these intelligent, empowering and transformative new healing frequencies to children ages 8-14.
Through age-appropriate games and activities your children will:
Learn about a comprehensive and easy-to-access new spectrum of healing comprised of energy, light, and information.
Learn to feel, find and play with the Reconnective Frequencies.
Learn how to access and utilize this expansive healing continuum to help themselves (self-healing), their family, their friends, their pets – even friends and family around the world (distance healing)!
For information:
Rita: Elise:"
Hello Everyone,

Thanks for the great turn out to our introductory classes last week... they were full!

We have started the first class of our 6 week sessions this Friday, July 3rd.

Hatha Yoga 7:00 - 8:00pm Semi-private (max. 7 per class)
and Bellydancing 8:30 - 9:30pm (maximum 8 per class)

There is still room for a few more registrations in both classes.

Each 6 week session is $ 120.00 + GST

If you would like to do both classes back to back you will recieve a discount.
Savings of $ 30.00 + GST signing up for both will cost $ 210.00 + GST instead of $ 240.00

If you were unable to make it this Friday and still wish to join for the remaining 5 weeks and start next week we will just prorate it.
Come join and have some fun!
Please call or email to sign up. If you know of someone else who may be interestedplease forward this message.
Other days and times will be starting soon also.


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

New Workshop Coming Up in July

Native Drum Making Workshop

by Richard & Klaudija

July 26/09

9:30 am- 5pm

Drums have been used for thousands of years and by many cultures as a tool to aid in meditation

and to achieve a state of trance. The drum beat works as a resonance of the sound of the human

heartbeat and the rhythm of the heartbeat of Mother Earth. This connection of the drum and the

heart as the centre and the source of life promotes "oneness" between man and nature.

The drum is usually made from the skin of a deer, bear, caribou, elk, or buffalo. A softened hide is

stretched over a wood frame and tied with sinew, then dried and tightened.

In the workshop you will create your own deer hide drum and beater listening to

native teachings and uses for the drum as you work. This will take approximately 4 hours,

During the following week you may see patterns appear representing totems or personal symbols

as the drum dries. The workshop will include a meditation to align with the spirit

of your drum; a birthing ritual to connect to your drum’s individual ‘voice’ and drumming circle

All materials are included in the workshop fee.

All materials are of high quality.

14” drum $255

16” drum $266

18” drum $277

Bring your lunch.

Workshop must be paid by July 16/09 in advance to allow for material

purchases and preparation.

Pre-Register at (416) 888-0848


Pre-Pay by July 16/09

Workshop must be paid by July 16/09 in advance to allow for material

purchases and preparation at

click on event page

Monday, June 29, 2009

Hello Everyone!

As many of you already know we have Pat Williamson
of CONSCIOUS LIVING to share DEEKSHA and Meditation
with us every Monday evening.
It is running from 7:00 - 8:00 pm every Monday.

We are also very happy to announce that we hosted our first Hatha Yoga class with Yvonne Bloom last Friday, followed by Belly Dancing class. They both were a success!!

We still have 4 spots open for anyone wanting to join in the fun this coming Friday, July 3rd at 7:00 pm.

Until we get Yoga going from 6 - 7pm on Mondays
Then Deeksha will start at 7:30... we will keep you posted.

More info on what is Deeksha and how it can
help release blocks and pain so our life experiences can get easier and more fulfilling in
all areas of life.

Looking forward to seeing you. Please RSVP by phone or
return email so we are prepared with enough seating.

Thank you and NAMASTE!

Good Day and Welcome to the Homepage of Living Free Wellness!

Our mission is to support and empower people to nurture and nourish their whole soul with a proactive health and wellness regime by providing innovative and therapeutic products, services and technologies to help them feel and look great on the inside and out.

In this blog we would like to share with you our experiences, insight, and thoughts as well as inspirational quotes, texts, and advice.

We would like for ALL to join forces collectively with open hearts and experience the true joy and inner peace on a healed, healthy and vibrant planet.

We believe that the positive transformation of the greater consciousness is long overdue.
It's time to wake up and take responsibility.

We can do it and do it with LOVE.

We are ONE.