Monday, November 16, 2009

What is Oneness Blessing (Deeksha)?

As the winter approaches, we are planning to once again introduce Deeksha Oneness meditations every two weeks on Wednesday nights.  Pat Williams - Deeksha facilitator  - will be driving from Collingwood to conduct our meetings so it would be wonderful to know in advance a number of people who can attend this event.  

Please, read the following article about Deeksha and visit for more information, and also, do not hesitate to call us for more information at (905) 918 1816.

"Deeksha is a transfer of spiritual energy to the neocortex of the brain.  Deeksha initiates a neurobiological change in the brain that when complete enables the senses to be free from the constant interference of the mind.  When the senses are unclouded by the mind's interpretations, a natural clarity of perception occurs with accompanying spontaneous feelings of joy, inner calmness and a connection to the Oneness in everything.
Deeksha is transferred by the Deeksha giver normally placing his or her hands onto the crown of the head.  Experience during the deeksha vary, sometimes strong, sometimes subtle, sometimes delayed until even days later.  The recipient may experience a tingling sensation in the head, or blissful feeling running through the body, or sometimes nothing at all.  Whatever the experience, the recipient can trust that the process of enlightenment has begun, a process designed for your own nature that will lead gradually (or sometimes spontaneously) into Awakening.  
Deeksha does not belong to any religion, or any particular belief or spiritual path..."

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